Collection: Red wines at Wine Club Imports

Red wine, a timeless classic, holds an esteemed place in the world of oenophiles, enticing with its rich hues and complex flavors that evolve with each sip. While white wines often evoke thoughts of crispness and lightness, and rosés summon images of summer romance, red wines evoke a sense of depth and warmth, perfect for cozy evenings and hearty meals.

Red wines get their captivating color and robust character from the skins of dark-colored grape varieties. The grape skins are left in contact with the juice for an extended period during fermentation, allowing the transfer of tannins, pigments, and a wealth of flavors. This intricate process contributes to the spectrum of red shades, from deep purples to ruby reds, and even lighter styles like Pinot Noir. The range of flavors in red wine is equally diverse, spanning from the bold fruitiness of cherry and blackberry to the more subtle notes of tobacco, leather, and spices. This symphony of tastes unfolds as the wine ages, adding another layer of allure to the experience.

When it comes to red wines, Argentina stands out as a captivating player in the global wine scene, celebrated for its unique offerings. Argentine reds are often cherished for their boldness and vibrancy, owing to the high-altitude vineyards that grace the foothills of the Andes Mountains. The combination of intense sunlight, cool temperatures, and well-drained soils infuses the grapes with exceptional flavors and a distinct balance between acidity and ripeness.